Carpeta Justicia

Role: Creative direction, art direction


Spain Govern and its Ministry of/Department of Justice (Ministerio de la Presidencia, Justicia y Relaciones con las Cortes) launched Carpeta Justicia (Justice Folder), a new online service that put together every online procedure related with the Public Justice Administration allowing citizens, companies and justice professionals to access Justice Services at any time, 365 days a year.

With this in mind, we have built a campaign in which we seek to ensure that all those who have a relationship with the Public Service of Justice know that there is now an online platform that unifies a large number of procedures that from now on they will be able to carry out by themselves and at the time they wish.

We wanted to inform citizens of all the procedures available to them so that they can start using Carpeta Justicia. But first of all, the most fundamental and basic thing is that they know that this service exists.

How we did it? We took advantage of the very structure of the service’s URL (Justice.Folder.Is) to turn it into the communication gateway and tell users everything that the Justice Folder is.

With this simple wordplay: 1. We announced that there is a new online platform 2. We placed the URL in the top of mind of the users, who will remember its existence naturally 3. We integrated all the services that the Justice Folder has.

Copywriter: Ángela Medina
Creative art direction: D. González
Creative Direction: D.González
Colorist and compositor (VFX) : Julián Loboguerrero
Sound: Herzia Studio
Client: Ministerio de la Presidencia, Justicia y Relaciones con las Cortes
Brand: Carpeta Justicia

For visuals on this page I’ve used images from:

Andrea Piacquadio @ Pexels
Vlada Karpovich @ Pexels

Tim Samuel @ Pexels

cottonbro studio @ Pexels
Nathalia Segato @ Unsplash

Diego A. González
Creative, Visual
& Graphic Designer
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+34 666261567